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Thursday, July 5, 2012

11 Reasons My Husband Rocks

1.  He is a good man, and always wants to do what is right.
2.  He has a never-say-die attitude.
3.  He loves me.
4.  He tells me my hair looks great when I'm having a bad hair day, and he doesn't tell me that it looks great when it does look great, because then I wouldn't believe him on those bad hair days. 
5.  He mostly has me figured out.  (See #4.)
6.  When I ask him to heat up the coffee maker, he makes me a cup of coffee.
7.  He makes the best cup of coffee!
8.  He is a great Dad.
9.  He lives with a crazy woman, and puts up with my irrational obsessions, and even complies with them.  (I'm not totally nuts, but I don't want my comforter to be lop-sided, and it shouldn't touch the floor, ever.  I don't think that's asking too much.)
10.  He sings.
11.  He loves to cuddle.

Twelve years ago today, we met in person for the very first time.  It was an evening that changed our lives forever, and I am so thankful to God for bringing us together.  Even when it's bad, it's good.  Happy anniversary, babe!

1 comment:

  1. And it's your anniversary, too? Thank you for commenting on my blog post today, Cathie, so that I could pray for you. I prayed for God to show up BIG and pay the rent today. He is good all the time, and you are a wonderful encourager to post this list about your husband! Blessings!
